This Season's Topics: Local Food Trucks & Farmer's Markets!

This season's topics for the Summer of 2013...Local Food Trucks and Farmers Markets!

Friday, 14 June 2013


Food trucks seem to be a growing breed as the weather gets warmer. All of the sudden there's a flock of people where the streets used to be empty. That's what I love about Minneapolis, nobody takes the warm weather for granted, not even for a second. 

On these gorgeous summer days we're about to embark upon, you will find yourself walking down the streets of downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul lined with food trucks that I'm sure will perk your curiosity...but are they worth it? What kind of food do they have? 

 Some of them of course are obvious, like the Taco Truck or the Cajun Food truck. As a friend of mine asked me one day, she said, "I wonder what's in the Cajun Food Truck?" I said, "Ummm, Cajun food?" ha! but I knew what she meant, obviously it's Cajun food but what kind of dishes do they offer? 

That's exactly what I will venture out and reveal here. I will try a new food truck each week and fill you in on my experience(s). I might not have a picture of each dish offered on their menu (that would not be good for my waist line or my budget!) but I will at least provide pictures of what I ordered, a review based on that dish, and a list of what they do offer. I'm looking forward to this journey of food truck ventures and I hope you'll enjoy reading about them just as much as I enjoy sampling each truck!

I will also be checking out the local farmers markets in the area! Stay tuned...there's only more to come. 

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